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The Old Florida Club Life

Nat Allister
A review of "Ecstasy" by No Angel
Written April 24th, 2017, 10:40 am by

Nat Allister FROM Fox & Beggar Theater Inc.

SongLadder Editor
Floridians "No Angel" bridge the line between live music and electronica in "Ecstasy," building a Chicago House feeling with what sounds like predominantly live instrumentation. The song has a catchy retro sound, with a thumping drum track and nice assortment of electro-pop synthesizers. The lead singer of "No Angel" doesn't dazzle with her lyricism, but then again, House music never does. Her voice fits the part, however, and a subtle use of auto-tuning adds to the effect. A whole lot of what critics call the "Millenial Whoop" dominates her melody as well. This feels like a great song for a night out at the roller disco.

"Ecstasy" would be an excellent theme song for

Rock n' Roller Skating

Let's Be Fake Friends

Music Climbing Naturally
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