Sweet Reflections from Germany
It's pretty surprising to discover that the breathy, gorgeous, indie-pop sounds of singer/songwriter Koko Head Park hails all the way from Germany. The song begins like a track from the Garden State Soundtrack (isn't that how Iron & Wine got famous?), then at about the halfway mark, it moves into a driving acoustic progression that takes a little bit after Eddie Veddor. There is nothing in the recording besides guitar (rhythm and lead) and a lot of scuffling to suggest that the song was recorded in someone's living room. A wonderful bit of tender emotion and sober beauty hangs over this song, both lyrically and sonically, leaving you with a clean and refreshing feel when the song ends. Pity it cuts off so abruptly; I advise that KHP re-records it so that the final notes can linger all the way until they fade away completely.