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Soaring free on 90s wings

Nat Allister
A review of "Free" by garvin
Written March 30th, 2017, 1:49 pm by

Nat Allister FROM Fox & Beggar Theater Inc.

SongLadder Editor
Garvin's breathy vocals and poppy musical composition combine to great effect in "Free," a song that sounds straight out of the Pop/Rock male bands of the mid-to-late 90s. That era saw a nice combination of extremely high-quality mixing (every individual track is present and crisp), while still holding its allegiance to the organic -- that is, before the total domination of the digital age in pop music. Garvin's voice is silky smooth, sure to seduce any number of teenage girls in the audience, and maybe a few boys as well. His lyrics are set in the clouds, with imagery of eagles and spiritual flight. The lyrics are nothing cutting-edge... but if they were, it wouldn't be Pop/Rock anymore.

"Free" would be an excellent theme song for

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Let's Be Fake Friends

Music Climbing Naturally
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