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Okie Psychedelic New Prog

Nat Allister
A review of "Baby Its Alright With Me" by Justin Johnson
Written February 5th, 2017, 11:48 am by

Nat Allister FROM Fox & Beggar Theater Inc.

SongLadder Editor
Justin Johnson and his band, SmokeyBones, power listeners through three minutes of an airtight variation on New Prog in "Baby Its Alright With Me," with psychedelic guitar licks and aggressive rhythms. The review on this band's website is so good that I just have to copy and paste it here: "In the middle of the bible belt buckle of the country, emerges a unique and unlikely blend of music. That music has a creator… the name… SmokeyBones. Their sizzling hot blend of booty shakin funk, face melting blues, silky smooth jazz, and energy driven power rock is guaranteed to have every person’s body movin and a groovin. Forged in a 1 car garage in the summer of 2009, SmokeyBones has taken the state of Oklahoma, rolled it up, and put it in the air." I hope this band finds the national audience they deserve; I can easily see their silhouettes flickering in front of strobe lights and smoke machines in giant, crowded rock clubs.

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