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Lurch Rock

Nat Allister
A review of "Alright" by reaLation.
Written March 15th, 2017, 2:20 pm by

Nat Allister FROM Fox & Beggar Theater Inc.

SongLadder Editor
"Alright" blends a sinister sound with a hint of the psychedelic in a way that almost reminds me of Les Claypool, Man Man, or even some of Ween. The song is tightly arranged and performed, with a lurching barrage of drums, guitar, and distorted vocal samples that demand attentive listening. reaLation knows what they're doing, and they're good at it. I imagine this would be a phenomenal act to see live, especially at some cheap and crowded little dive bar somewhere near Albany, NY (the band's hometown). "You are far too gone, and I am on my own/ Next time we'll be sure that the love is pure/ You take what's yours, and I take what's mine, we can start again, with someone new, with someone new."

I would add "Alright" to a playlist called

Biker Beats

Let's Be Fake Friends

Music Climbing Naturally
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