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Happy Dub About a Femme Fatale

Nat Allister
A review of "Wicked Angel" by Fa\'Real
Written January 27th, 2017, 4:22 pm by

Nat Allister FROM Fox & Beggar Theater Inc.

SongLadder Editor
Fun, dubby upstrokes and fat drum samples provide the foundation for "Wicked Angel," a Roots/Reggae dance track about a beautiful "devil in disguise" that's just too irresistible to resist. The happy island chords used in the song instantly start releasing serotonin into my brain, as any good Dub is wont to do. My only complaint is that at just two and a half minutes, the song ends too fast. I'd certainly catch a Fa\'Real show if I was ever in New York in the summertime.

"Wicked Angel" would be an excellent theme song for

a pontoon ride

I would add "Wicked Angel" to a playlist called

island beats

Let's Be Fake Friends

Music Climbing Naturally
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