Get me out of this life.
Louisiana-based "Claude Hitt and Extended Recess" turn up the heat with their seductive song "The Desert," a rockabilly-influenced tune that makes you feel like you are driving through a desert on a moonlit night with the wind in your hair. The song is sort of a backcountry narrative about a trailer park, American romance, almost like a Bruce Springsteen song (easy enough to replace "The River" with "The Desert") but stylistically featuring more of a Deer Tick grunge. "Girl, I can't go much further/ Girl, my life's a mess/ Why don't you come out in the desert/ With me tonight," rings out the chorus. I appreciate that Claude Hitt makes no effort to rhyme in this song; a choice that--in my opinion--gives lyrics more weight and makes the listener consider their intention a bit more. "The Desert" has just the right amount of information; a surreal portrait of some rough-and-tumble American nobody, somewhere in the middle of nowhere.