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EDM (Emotional Dance Music)

Nat Allister
A review of "Believe" by Van Anders
Written March 28th, 2017, 1:39 pm by

Nat Allister FROM Fox & Beggar Theater Inc.

SongLadder Editor
"Believe" is a really wonderful combination of several heart-soaring EDM genres, touching on electropop, futurepop, and house. The arrangement and composition is quite good, containing a jazzy, MOBY-esque piano, pounding, ODESZA-esque drums, and breathy, Glass Animals-esque vocals. Obviously, when you put Moby, Odesza, and Glass Animals together, good things are going to arise. My only critique of this track lies somewhere in the mixing; for a song so dependent on pop samples, it seems to be just a little shaky, never quite reaching the tightly powerful beauty and majesty I think the song capable of. Likely, this could just be fixed by hiring some serious professionals in the mixing lab. The important thing is that Van Anders has a good sense for songwriting and has created a sound that late-night crowds will surely eat up on the dance floor.

"Believe" would be an excellent theme song for

The final song in a set

"Believe" is reminiscent of well-known artists such as

Odesza, Moby, Glass Animals

Let's Be Fake Friends

Music Climbing Naturally
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