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Devotional Dub

Nat Allister
A review of "A Give Him Praise" by Jungleman
Written July 12th, 2017, 2:24 pm by

Nat Allister FROM Fox & Beggar Theater Inc.

SongLadder Editor
Lo-fi rocker Jungleman takes it back to the roots with "A Give Him Praise," a throwback to early Reggae/Dub culture. "When I wake up, I'll give you praise/ Before I go to sleep, I'll give you praise," goes the simple, devotional lyrics, sung over a funky, deep groove. This song is carried by the reverberant bass with plenty of support from some synth, dynamic drums, and frequent use of some fun laser-ish sound effect. Jungleman hails originally from Nigeria, but now resides in Ontario, Canada.

"A Give Him Praise" would be an excellent theme song for

A hot day with a broken A/C

I would add "A Give Him Praise" to a playlist called

Reggae Retro

Let's Be Fake Friends

Music Climbing Naturally
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