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A pointless stream of consciousness that works :)

Nat Allister
A review of "Tab" by Tristen Armour
Written December 23rd, 2016, 11:34 am by

Nat Allister FROM Fox & Beggar Theater Inc.

SongLadder Editor
This song has all the qualities of truly pure singer-songwriting. It is the perfectly mundane and pointless account of a young kid sitting in his room, learning how to play guitar, and essentially describing his day. It whines, it crackles, it pauses awkwardly and then resumes its basic acoustic plodding. And it works. It's genuine. I suspect those who enjoy attending countless open mics in coffee shops, and sitting around campfires plucking melodies on guitars, will love the simple and true-natured spirit of this little song. I'm not sure if I'd call it a catchy melody, but hell, it gets the job done. "Although today was not the day I could say was good it gradually came around until I found myself lying on the floor, Just staring at the ceiling obviously there was nothing else to do. Then I found myself on the porch Not really doing anything Just thinking and singing songs in my head. And oh, what a day it’s been. 20% chance of rain and I’ve never seen a storm like this. And oh what a day it’s been. 20% chance of rain and I’ve never seen a storm like this."

"Tab" would be an excellent theme song for

High school

I would add "Tab" to a playlist called


When listening to "Tab" I am transported to

an open mic in Portland

Let's Be Fake Friends

Music Climbing Naturally
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