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The Other Pink Floyd

Gabrielle Azi
A review of "Punk Floyd" by Xenon
Written March 30th, 2017, 2:50 pm by

Gabrielle Azi FROM SongLadder

SongLadder Editor
“Punk Floyd” is a clever little name stemming from the Wakfield artist Xenon but there is less Pink Floyd sounds and more Mars Volta, System of a Down, Red Hot Chili Pepper and A Perfect Circle especially when you give the song a few listens. You can hear the influences of some of the noted bands through the energy that Xenon presents in “Punk Floyd” which is also not very punk. The track can be considered something as a creative hybrid of alternative and progressive rock mixed with a not fully backed orchestra. Either way it lends to some delightful listening. You probably won't find many songs on SongLadder that have and create the type of atmosphere that “Punk Floyd” delivers making this a one of a kind listening experience. If you are a fan of System of a Down, Bosnian Rainbows and Giraffe Tongue Orchestra then you should make sure to not pass over Xenon's finally crafted track.

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