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No Place Like Argentina

Gabrielle Azi
A review of "Argentina featuring Jeanna Renee" by Litez Out
Written March 18th, 2017, 10:17 pm by

Gabrielle Azi FROM SongLadder

SongLadder Editor
“Argentina” isn't a song about the actual place. Instead Argentina seems to be a person, particularly a former lover of Litez Out. “Argentina” is a hip hop track all about regret and the woulda, coulda, shouldas that usually rear their ugly heads when relationships end badly. The unsigned, up and coming Philly rapper looks to be trying to make a name for himself by being original as in he doesn't sound like many of the artists already out. If you had to make a comparison for comparison sake he seems to be a mix between Eminem and Nas especially when you look out how he flows. He takes his time instead of trying to be a master spitter like Twista. Litez Out doesn't walk into his SongLadder debut on his own though. In “Argentina” he brings the help of Jeanna Renee who helps carry the emotional tone of the song. Production wise “Argentina” is a nice song, the only complaint is that the music audio isn't balanced to Litez Out's vocals so at times he's drowned out and it's hard to catch the lyrics. Regardless, if you are in to hip hop and rap you might want to give this one a play.

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