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Musica Tranquila Espanol Sin Letras

Gabrielle Azi
A review of "Musicia Tranquila Espanol" by M Lee Riley
Written January 25th, 2017, 6:27 pm by

Gabrielle Azi FROM SongLadder

SongLadder Editor
Don't let the title of this track being in Spanish stop you from giving this song a play because it is one of the smooth and relaxing variety. As “Musica Tranquila Espanol” alludes, M Lee Riley has created a Spanish infused tranquil track which Riley describes as “a peaceful tribute to the guitar”. There are no bells and whistles to this one, or lyrics for that matter, it's just guitar being played at its best with the underscore of the keyboard that serves as a nice backdrop without taking the attention away from the strumming. For those who are looking to just unwind and relax or perhaps get yourself in the mood for a romantic dinner you might want to let “Musica Tranquila Espanol” set the tone. Thanks to Riley's production skill from beginning to end the track is consistent and never goes off course.

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