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Levitation Will Have You Floating

Gabrielle Azi
A review of "Levitation" by B.A.S.I.C
Written February 2nd, 2017, 8:18 am by

Gabrielle Azi FROM SongLadder

SongLadder Editor
Bars. It's the first thought when “Levitation” kicks up and rest assured there is nothing basic about B.A.S.I.C which stands for “Be About Success In Controversy”. B.A.S.I.C delivers a solid performance like what you expect from hip-hop artists from VA and he's doing it in his own style. B.A.S.I.C's wordplay is a joy to listen to especially when the hip-hop and rap game has been starting to sound the same. Lyrics like “But I ain't trippin' though I let it fall in place/ and because of my skin color I know it's all a race/ so every time I'm on a track I keep my sneakers lace/ sprintin' hard enough to have your relay team replaced/ fix your face, B.A.S.I.C” will have you putting the track back. The positivity in this track is something to appreciate as most songs hype the usual gun toting, ass shaking, money making motifs. Comparing B.A.S.I.C to any other artist doesn't seem right but if you're a fan of Kendrick Lamar, Ab Soul and Lupe Fiasco then B.A.S.I.C is a must listen.

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