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Destino's Stay Holds Potential

Gabrielle Azi
A review of "STAY" by Destino
Written January 24th, 2017, 5:53 pm by

Gabrielle Azi FROM SongLadder

SongLadder Editor
From the get go Destino's “Stay” offers some promising sounds. A pop style influenced track through and through, the music is something you could certainly find being played on the radio among the likes of Nick Jonas and Tove Lo. The lyrics fall under a familiar theme that is prevalent in today's hits when it comes to relationships that may be a little rocky but maintain potential. Potential is exactly what Destino's track holds. The music production is fresh and for the most part hits all the right points that favor songs that make Billboard lists. “Stay” is like the demo of a track that just needs that extra push to make it big time but that doesn't mean it should be passed over. The track delivers a head nod and truthfully the chorus is catchy enough to make up for the lack dynamic vocal range.

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