Death and Taxes Never Sounded So Appealing
There are only two things certain in life, death and taxes but if we are talking about the Los Angeles rock band Death and Taxes then that doesn't actually sound so bad. Death and Taxes don't hold back in their track “The Mask” which automatically pulls you into a world of their own making. This track could easily be a featured song in some old classic movie or TV show like Miami Vice. With sounds that are reminiscent to bands like AC/DC, Kix and Y&T, “The Mask” is 1970 rock-n-roll heaven. Lead singer Jay Link delivers a warning about a problematic femme fatale with so much gusto you can't help but to nod along and appreciate his skillful dynamic range. The guitar riffs are amazing and keeps “The Mask” going strong all the way up to the end for an unforgettable hearing experience.