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Beasting on the Track

Gabrielle Azi
A review of "Beastly things E007 nutty pee" by E007
Written February 25th, 2017, 2:21 pm by

Gabrielle Azi FROM SongLadder

SongLadder Editor
“Beastly Things” is a monster of a track with a beat that you'd expect to be fitted with a hot sixteen by one of your favorite lesser known rappers looking for a come up. E007, a name derived from James Bond is clearly on a mission to become one of the top dogs when it comes to producing. Safe to say it seems like they are on the right track with this one. Like a lot of tracks that have been created in the last few years especially by “bedroom producers”, “Beastly Things” features vocal samples, Puff Daddy's “Victory” which also includes bites from Notorious B.I.G is the main one that stands out. While E007 track is solid it is around the last one-third of the song that really gets you as the beat suddenly changes à la Frank Ocean “Pyramids” and “Nights”. If you like yourself a beat that knocks and appreciate hip hop and rap then give this one a play.

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