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An Acid Trip Down the Proverbial Rabbit Hole

Gabrielle Azi
A review of "Twist and Burn" by Black Tar Audio
Written February 5th, 2017, 7:00 pm by

Gabrielle Azi FROM SongLadder

SongLadder Editor
To some, the beginning of Black Tar Audio's “Twist and Burn” sounds like something that is torn from a Rob Zombie song but it's actually from the 1969 film “Alice in Acidland” which can be loosely described as a drug induced version of Alice in Wonderland with sexual content. “Twist and Burn” isn't the type of music that you will hear on the radio unless it's part of your university's radio station. With ambient and experimental design, Black Tar Audio is something of a mix of acts like Massive Attack, Aphex Twins, Flying Lotus and Morcheeba. The singing on track is something like a siren's call with cool delivery as you feel yourself being sucked into and then thrown down the proverbial rabbit hole. This is a track that won't be everyone's delight but “Twist and Burn” isn't afraid to twist itself around with nonconformity

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