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A Song for You

Gabrielle Azi
A review of "A Note For You" by Blue Fog Experiment
Written March 18th, 2017, 12:56 am by

Gabrielle Azi FROM SongLadder

SongLadder Editor
A rock song infused with blues undertones is what is in store for you with the Blue Fog Experiment. “A Note for You” hits all the right notes as it goes through the motions of how a song should be made. While Blue Fog Experiment sounds like a full backed band it is actually the solo project of Don Bray who shows his immense skill of not only writing his own music but also recording and playing every instrument. Blue Fog Experiment is like a hybrid of U2, Genesis and Supertramp and sounds like a classic without actually being one. There is something freeing about the sounds of “A Note for You” as in the sense it seems to wrap around you and let you forget about everything else going on in that moment in time. Don Bray's vocals are just as a stand out on this track as his musical skills which are top notch and rather impressive for a man who does all the work himself.

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