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A Country Love Ballad

Gabrielle Azi
A review of "Cant You See What Your Doing To Me" by Smith & Jackson
Written April 3rd, 2017, 3:39 pm by

Gabrielle Azi FROM SongLadder

SongLadder Editor
“Can't You See What You're Doing to Me” may be pure country but it opens up like an 80s rock ballad. Smith & Jackson can easily be compared to the likes of Eric Church, Tim McGraw and Alan Jackson just for starters. The track is a love song in the purest sense and Smith & Jackson croon lyrics that would be perfect to perform to that special someone in your life or that person you want to be part of your life going forward. There aren't many if at all any country ballads of this nature here on SongLadder so the guys of Smith & Jackson are providing a different channel for those who love themselves some country. Even those who are fans of the 70s and 80s rock ballads will surely find something to love in the track. There is nothing to snub your nose at with this one, it's a full grade A type of song.

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