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A Beautiful Rock Ballad

Gabrielle Azi
A review of "When You Walked Out Of My Life" by Geri DeJohn
Written March 17th, 2017, 1:30 pm by

Gabrielle Azi FROM SongLadder

SongLadder Editor
Geri DeJohn has one of those voices that just command attention and cast a spell over you from the get go. She is a powerhouse of a performer that seems to infuse the emotional deliveries of Celine Dion and Pat Benatar. “When You Walked Out of My Life” is a beautiful rock ballad through and through. From beginning to end DeJohn is a forced to be reckoned with as she performs like a true Grade A professional. The backing guitars and percussion only serve to levitate DeJohn's performance for a memorable song that you will be playing over and over again to no avail. Production wise there is nothing to hate and everything to love as the track sounds like something that was made specifically for a film's big scene and ending credits. Geri DeJohn is an amazing performer with a beautiful voice that will just blow you away, just listen for yourself.

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