A Place to Find Better Music
“Find Ways to Matter” by Dada Paradox is the type of music that just sounds like fun even before the actual music starts. Dada Paradox is like a mashup of The Kinks, The Byrds and The Who but surprisingly don't have “the” in their own name. Regardless Ian and Liza are churning out a genre of music you wouldn't necessarily associate with Brooklyn, New York. Then again with how diverse New York is not to mention the United States as a whole it isn't that surprising that we get this jem from the melting pot state. “Find Ways to Matter” is all about easy listening and that's easy to do with how Ian delivers lyrics that could have been written by the Beatles themselves. Liza's vocal backing is a nice addition to an already good song. Fans of the aforementioned bands will not want to miss out on this one.